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Hey All! My name is Sarah Becker. I am a Radical Birthkeeper and a Lactivist.


Though I started as a doula, I quickly dove headfirst into the realization that birth is meant to be undisturbed and unhindered by anyone. Birth should be left to the mother, who should feel supported in her every choice.


I am the mother of 1 beautiful 4-year-old girl and wife to an amazing man. We reside in a small, but heavily populated neighborhood with dreams of a self-sufficient farm. We also have 2 dogs, a rabbit, and a goldfish, though that could change with the addition of whatever shows up at my door. We always welcome strays.


I am an avid believer in the holistic lifestyle, farms not pharma. I believe nature provides the best medicine. My husband and I believe in the right to live free and will teach our daughter to do the same.

I attended HERBAL and completed both the Birthkeeper and Placenta Preparation Specialist courses. I’ll soon be diving into HERBAL’s Lactation Counselor course.


I have completed both the Breast-Milk Scientific and Breastmilk & the Infant Microbiome courses from Microbiome Courses.


I have a love of learning and will continue to read/listen to anything that piques my interest. My favorite things to learn about are breastfeeding, birth, natural health, self-sufficiency, and personal development.

Birthkeeper/ Full Spectrum Doula
HE.R.B.A.L  2019

Placenta Preperation Specialist

H.E.R.B.A.L 2019

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